Kade Hill is the Interim Worship Leader at Trinity Baptist Church.
He grew up in Atlanta, Texas, where he graduated from Atlanta High School. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Spanish from the Baylor University Honors Program.
During his college years, Kade worked as a tutor for students who recently moved to the United States from out of the country and later taught a fifth grade bilingual class in Waco, Texas.
“I became a part of my youth worship team when I was in middle school and have felt the calling to serve in worship ministry ever since,” Kade said, recalling why he got into ministry.
In his role at the church, Kade loves the serving heart of the people, and he enjoys connecting with church members of all ages and backgrounds.
In his spare time, Kade enjoys playing games with family, going to coffee shops, cruising around Home Depot or Target, and spending quality time with his wife, Madelynn, and their daughter Adalei.