God’s Blueprint for His Church | 1 Timothy 1:12-17

Sermon: God’s Blueprint for His Church
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
Pastor: Michael Daugherty

Key Takeaways:

  1. Right belief in the Gospel leads to right doctrine, and right doctrine leads to right living and loving.
  2. Abide in Jesus for the strength to do ministry that lasts.
  3. Past sins don’t stop your present and future ministry.
  4. Just because a person hears and understands the Gospel, doesn’t mean they are a born again believer.
  5. No one deserves salvation.
  6. The main problem in the world is unbelief.
  7. Only God can change a person!
  8. Never forget that you are a sinner who Jesus came to save.
  9. You got saved so others could see and hear about Jesus.
  10. God deserves all the honor and glory for your salvation.

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