God’s Blueprint for His Church | 1 Timothy 1:1-11

Sermon: God’s Blueprint for His Church
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:1-11
Pastor: Michael Daugherty

Key Takeaways:

  1. Jesus is our only hope, and He will return for His Church.
  2. Jesus is our King.
  3. Doctrine matters. Doctrine is a set of beliefs.
  4. We will be a doctrinally sound church.
  5. Christian love for God and others is the goal of addressing false teachers.
  6. Right doctrine leads to right living and loving.
  7. The law reveals sin in order for an unbeliever to get saved.
  8. The law guides believers in how to please God.
  9. Doctrine matters because doctrine dictates the way we live.
  10. Right believe in the Gospel leads to right doctrine, and right doctrine leads to right living and loving.

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