Senior Pastor Job Description

We are no longer accepting applications at this time.  Our Pastor Search Committee is in the process of reviewing the applications we received by the 2.28.23 application deadline.

Basic Responsibilities  

Theology and Preaching

  • Preach expository sermons which teach the Word and result in practical application for daily living
  • Preach and teach the Gospel
  • Offer regular evangelistic invitations during worship services with opportunities to respond
  • Guard time for prayer and study in preparation for sermons and teachings 
  • Oversee the observation of Biblical baptism and the Lord’s Supper
  • Oversee pulpit supply
  • Affirm and teach in accordance with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, the doctrinal statement of the church

Evangelism and Missions

  • Give general oversight and leadership to the accomplishment of the mission of the church
  • Demonstrate a passion, ability, and willingness to share Christ regularly
  • Equip members to share the plan of salvation 
  • Oversee administrator of Trinity Christian School to ensure the coordinated missions of Church and School are supported and upheld per bylaws
  • Oversee evangelism ministries and model consistent personal evangelism 
  • Oversee community visitation strategies and model consistent visitation within the community
  • Champion the mission partnerships of the church
  • Cultivate a passion for missions in the congregation
  • Develop and oversee a pathway for members to be sent on mission through short and long-term mission opportunities at the local, state, national, and international levels
  • Set goals and actionable plans for reaching the communities surrounding the church 
  • Support and cooperate with Southern Baptist missionaries and mission-sending agencies: International Mission Board and North American Mission Board
  • Endorse giving to missions through the Cooperative Program and special missions offerings of both the national Southern Baptist Convention and the Arkansas Baptist State Convention
  • Be involved with and supportive of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), its leadership, and cooperating churches at the local, associational, state, and national levels
  • Lead the church’s involvement in SBC and ABSC entities and ministries

Ministry and Discipleship 

  • Demonstrate an obvious love for the fellowship of the church 
  • Ensure members receive compassionate pastoral care and concern
  • Facilitate the contact and visitation of homebound, hospitalized, and grieving members
  • Champion opportunities for growth and development among believers 
  • Guide plans and processes for program development and growth within the church
  • Encourage disciples to become disciple-makers 
  • Ensure that all discipleship ministries center around Biblical teaching, fellowship, and mission
  • Develop strategies and opportunities for all members to exercise their spiritual gifts in service to the church


  • Develop pastoral fellowship with minister of worship and media
  • Communicate closely and timely with minister of worship and media to effect aligned worship
  • Work to maintain a climate of reverent worship to our holy God
  • Give general oversight to the cooperate worship of the church
  • Encourage conversations to evolve dynamic modes of worship


  • Provide vision and direction in ministry, missions, and discipleship 
  • Establish a workplace environment of mutual respect and unity among all staff and volunteers
  • Seek to develop lay leaders from the congregation and find meaningful ways to delegate leadership where appropriate


  • Know, understand, implement, and adhere to the church Constitution and Bylaws
  • Oversee church discipline and manage conflict in the church while seeking guidance from the Administrative Leadership Team and pastoral staff
  • Moderate regularly scheduled and special-called business meetings of the church
  • Oversee pastoral and support staff; provide regular guidance, evaluation, and feedback for each of their ministry roles
  • Schedule and lead consistent, regular staff meetings that facilitate both staff unity and improved operation of the church as a whole
  • Work with various standing and special committees in accomplishing their respective duties
  • Communicate clearly and consistently with Administrative Leadership Team, pastoral staff, the chairman of deacons, and the chairman of the personnel committee regarding time needed away from church responsibilities for vacation, family obligations, rest, and/or professional development

Professional Qualifications 

  • A man called of God and set apart to the gospel ministry, evangelical in theology, in accordance with the “Baptist Faith and Message” (2000 edition) and committed to living and serving in a manner consistent with the standards set forth in Scripture for such a leader
  • Called to lead the church to understand, embrace, and accomplish its mission as defined by the primary biblical purposes of worship/magnification, evangelism/missions, fellowship/membership, discipleship/maturity, and service/ministry. The Senior Pastor leads the church through his primary biblical roles of elder/overseer, preacher/teacher, evangelist, shepherd, and equipper.
  • Ordained and licensed Baptist minister
  • Pastoral related experience of 3+ years 
  • Graduate with a graduate theological degree from an accredited Evangelical seminary or divinity school, M.Div. preferred; Southern Baptist Convention affiliate preferred
  • Evangelical in theology, in alignment with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, the church’s adopted doctrinal statement

Applications for the Senior Pastor Position were accepted until February 28, 2023. Our Pastor Search Committee is currently reviewing all applications received.