Fear and Obey | Malachi 3:13-4:4
Sermon: Fear and ObeyScripture: Malachi 3:13-4:4Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: Worthy worship is not transactional. Worthy worship is God centered. The Christian's life is about God. Those who fear and…
Sermon: Fear and ObeyScripture: Malachi 3:13-4:4Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: Worthy worship is not transactional. Worthy worship is God centered. The Christian's life is about God. Those who fear and…
Sermon: I Dare YouScripture: Malachi 3:6-12Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: God is unchanging. Therefore, God's Word is unchanging. Gods says, "I DARE YOU to return to me, and I will…
Sermon: God is JustScripture: Malachi 2:17-3:5Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: God is just. Have faith in God and His justice. God is concerned about our purity. God purifies believers on…
Sermon: Marriage MattersScripture: Malachi 2:10-16Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: You can't love God and not love your fellow believer. Marriage is part of your worship. Don't marry and unbeliever. Don't…
Sermon: The Lord's SupperScripture: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: The Lord's Supper is to be taken together as a church. The Lord's Supper is to be taken in…
Sermon: Worthy WorshipScripture: Malachi 1:6-2:9Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: 1. God deserves and demands our best giving. 2. No offerings are better than deficient offerings. 3. No worship is better…
Sermon: Abide in God's Faithful Love Scripture: Malachi 1:1-5Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: Key Takeaways: 1. God faithfully loves his people. 2. Nothing can separate us from His faithful love.…
Sermon: Abide in Jesus TogetherScripture: John 15:1-5Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: 1. Jesus is the true vine. 2. God the Father is the vine dresser. 3. Believers are the branches.…
Sermon: Forever PresentScripture: Matthew 28:18-20Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: Jesus used His authority to command us to make disciples. A disciple is devoted to Christ, developing in Christlike character and…
Sermon: Teach ObedienceScripture: James 1:22-25Pastor: Michael Daugherty Key Takeaways: Jesus expects His followers to obey Him and to teach others to do the same. Read, Hear, and Obey God’s Word…