A photo of water with vintage lettering that says The Gospel of John 4:1-42

Eternally Effective Evangelism | John 4:1-42 | Michael Daugherty

Sermon: Eternally Effective Evangelism
Scripture: John 4:1-42
Pastor: Michael Daugherty

Key Takeaways:

  1. Eternally effective evangelism requires crossing uncrossable barriers.
  2. Eternally effective evangelism requires redirecting conversations from the physical to the spiritual.
  3. With joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Isaiah 13:2
  4. Eternally effective evangelism requires clearly, directly, and lovingly addressing sin.
  5. God is spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and truth.
  6. Eternally effective evangelism requires time and truth so lost people recognize Jesus.
  7. Sharing God’s Gospel is more important than eating food.
  8. Eternally effective evangelism requires recognizing your city is ready for you to harvest souls.

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