The Book of Acts 3:1-10 written over a photo of the first chapter of Acts describing a sermon from the book of Acts.

Spiritually Dependent | Acts 3:1-10 | Cody Howard

Sermon: Spiritually Dependent | Acts 3:1-10 | Cody Howard
Scripture: Acts 3:1-10
Pastor: Cody Howard

Key Takeaways:

  1. All misery in our world is due to sin, and we are all guilty of sin.
  2. Sin has made us powerless before a Holy God.
  3. If it’s not through faith that we are doing things, it is sin.
  4. If you never understand how great your need is, you’ll never value Christ as you should.
  5. You don’t know the depth of where you are until God rescues you.
  6. All pleasure in this world is a temporary mirage without God.
  7. If you’re ignoring God, your soul is digging itself to hell.
  8. If you’re feeling convicted, God has an eye out for you.
  9. There are unwanted, unseen humans loved by Jesus, and it is important we look for them and see them.
  10. He who loves money will never be satisfied with money. All the things you have will turn to dust.
  11. Faith enables the sinner to do the impossible.
  12. The man in Acts 3 was called to rise and walk spiritually, and you are called to do the same.

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