The Transformative Power of His Redemption | Acts 3:11-26 | Cody Howard

Sermon: The Transformative Power of His Redemption
Scripture: Acts 3:11-26
Pastor: Cody Howard

Key Takeaways:

1. If you’re not a sober person according to scripture, you’re moving according to what you feel, instead of towards what is true.
2. Miracles happen in the church all the time as wicked men and women come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and then live a holy life.
3. The New Testament Church was marked by miracles that gave testimony to the power of Jesus Christ.
4. Healing from hopelessness is only found in the name of Jesus.
5. Jesus took on human flesh. No matter what weakness you are suffering from, He understands you in ways no one else can fully understand.
6. Jesus knows the depth of your sin, the depths of who you are, all the secrets going on in your life, and he stills says, “I’m going to redeem you.”
7. Every miracle in the Bible is a response to human pain. 
8. Miracles are not about God displaying power. Miracles are for God restoring natural order to the world he created.
9. Every sin you struggle with in your life is rooted in self-centeredness.
10. Sin takes you by the hand and encourages you to live like everyone else. God calls you to be done with your sin and throw yourself on the mercy of his Son.

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