The Book of Acts 2:14-41 written over a photo of the first chapter of Acts describing a sermon from the book of Acts.

Spirit Empowered Preaching | Acts 2:14-41 | Michael Daugherty

Sermon: Spirit Empowered Preaching
Scripture: Acts 2:14-41
Pastor: Michael Daugherty

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Holy Spirit enabled and empowered Peter’s bold witness.
  2. The Spirit indwells all believers.
  3. Everyone who calls upon the Lord will be saved.
  4. God is sovereign and man is responsible for his sin.
  5. God the Father made Jesus Lord.
  6. The Holy Spirit convicts people of their sin.
  7. People who repent get saved and are baptized.
  8. The Holy Spirit lives inside of every born-again believer.
  9. Man declares the Gospel and God adds to His Church.

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