The Book of Acts 1:12-26 written over a photo of the first chapter of Acts describing a sermon from the book of Acts.

Devoted Together in Prayer | Acts 1:12-26 | Michael Daugherty

Sermon: Devoted Together in Prayer
Scripture: Acts 1:12-26
Pastor: Michael Daugherty

Key Takeaways:

  1. Acts is about the Spirit continuing the work of the Son by empowering the church to proclaim the Word and advance the Kingdom.
  2. Sometimes obedience means waiting for God.
  3. We must keep growing by devoting ourselves to praying together.
  4. All Scripture is inspired by God.
  5. We must have a Biblical worldview that recognizes God’s sovereignty.
  6. Seeking God’s will in prayer is critical to accomplishing our mission.
  7. Be devoted together to seeking God’s will for Spirit empowered witness for mission.

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