Scrabble letters on a black table spelling out James 3:1-12.

Words Matter | James 3:1-12 | Michael Daugherty

Sermon: Words Matter
Scripture: James 3:1-12
Pastor: Michael Daugherty

Key Takeaways:

  1. True Christians are careful with their verbal and visual words.
  2. Teachers of God’s Word will be judged with greater strictness.
  3. Every Christian will be held accountable for how they teach God’s Word.
  4. Christians make effort to control their words.
  5. Words have the power to control the direction of your life and the lives of others.
  6. Words can devastate your life and the lives of others.
  7. We need God to help us control our words.
  8. Our words matter to God.
  9. Our words reveal our heart.
  10. Words are powerful and King Jesus will us accountable.
  11. We must seek God’s help in using our words to glorify Him.

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