Sermon: The New Covenant
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Pastor: Cody Howard
Key Takeaways:
- Grace cannot be earned.
- God has mercy on those who don’t deserve it. We all deserve judgement from God.
- We live in a hurried, busy, and demonic age. We give our time to meaningless, worthless things.
- We forgo strong relationships with out children and our spouse for stupidity (i.e. our cell phones).
- “Be still” (Psalm 46:10). Sit and remember the greatest blessing in your life is Jesus.
- Just must be your primary treasure.
- A covenant based on how YOU behave will always be broken. That’s why God had to send Jesus to die on the cross and enact the new covenant.
- You cannot teach the Fruits of the Spirit because they have everything to do with the heart. You must have the Holy Spirit inside you to develop them.
- God is working in you with all His heart and soul. Why are you discouraged?
- Rejoice in knowing God will not fail you.