Fearfully & Wonderfully Made
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made is a Texarkana-based non-profit organization that exists to offer support to families with babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in the East Texas area.
After becoming parents of a NICU baby themselves in 2017 and being showered with support by friends, family, and their church family, Catie and Scott Swenson felt called a few years later to find a way to support other families whose babies end up in the NICU and “love them like Jesus loves”. Through donations, they were able to deliver their first “Blessing Bag” to a family in January 2021 and Fearfully and Wonderfully Made was born. Since then, the organization has delivered over 300 blessing bags to help NICU families! Each bag has a value of $250. “Sibling Bags” are also provided as part of their ministry to the brothers and sisters of the baby in the NICU.
The items in all of the bags are either donated or purchased through contributions to the organization.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made is 100% funded by donations from businesses, churches, and individuals, and its Prayer Warriors Group and Board of Directors pray over each family and decisions made in order to be vigilant with what has been given to their organization.
Through donations and fundraisers, the organization was also able to help fund 20 NICview cameras at Christus St. Michaels NICU.
Twice a year, they offer a date night to NICU parents that is 100% free to them for childcare for all of their children.
Fearfully and Wonderfully made is also currently able to offer a scholarship to a high school senior who was once in the NICU.
This month, Fearfully & Wonderfully Made asks you to pray for them in the following ways:
1. Pray the organization is able to reach NICU parents who don’t know about the Blessing Bags, and in doing so, be given a time to share the Truth of God with them.
2. Pray for the NICU nurses who may need their cups filled to have strength to not only take care of the babies but to also be able to love and support the parents they see daily.
3. Pray for continued financial support or donations to meet the demand for both the Blessing Bags and Sibling Bags and for the bags to provide comfort and an opportunity to share who Christ is with those who receive them.
4. Pray for the babies currently in the NICU, that God will help them grow in strength to live as the fearfully and wonderfully created humans He designed them to become.
If you would like to support their work with a financial contribution, you can click here.